UQ Course Development

UQ Course Development

On a number of occasions, the directors, Ashleigh and Harry, have been contracted to assist in the development of new courses for The University of Queensland (UQ). This process involves deciding on the content to be delivered in a course, structuring such content, designing assessment pieces, tutorial and practical content, and developing reusable infrastructure for deployment of assignments and testing.

From 2021-2022, UQ was making a series of changes to its computer science curriculum under the criticism that it didn’t adequately prepare students for the real world. One of the areas they identified for improvement was that none of their courses taught modern web-development techniques. Harry was subsequently contracted to develop course material and provide advice for the structure of what would become COMP2140, teaching web and mobile development with react.js.

In 2021, UQ made the decision to create an introductory programming course specifically tailored to engineers, ENGG1001. Ashleigh was contracted to assist in the development of the structure and content of this course, as well as resources and lesson plans for teaching data analysis.

From 2020 - 2021, UQ ran a special topics course on language technology aimed at both final year linguistics students and final year computer science students. Ashleigh was contracted to develop and deliver lectures, practicals, and assessments for a module on neural machine translation.