

First Languages Australia (FLA), in partnership with local language centres across Australia, has developed an interactive map to display and promote the diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages. The map, titled Gambay, translates to "together" in the Butchulla language of the Hervey Bay region in Queensland.

The data for the previous build of the site was populated through python scripts, that would operate on an excel spreadsheet to generate language data which would then be manually pushed to the site. However, as traffic to the site increased, and more parties were interested in supplying and editing the Gambay data, the original solution became untenable.

Persephia worked with FLA and the ABC in a platform upgrade to:

  1. Create a backend where staff could create and edit language data without having to go through the original spreadsheet workflow.
  2. Be more responsive and performant under the traffic it was receiving
  3. Eliminate the technical debt of the original site.
  4. Ensure the new site could integrate with the ABC website and their data requirements.
  5. Grant fine grained access control to multiple parties for the purpose of data upload and modification.